The models walked out wearing four collections from the label - the Nur Jehan Collection, the Queen Rania Collection, the Signature Saris & Gowns - all of which were heavily embellished with traditional ornamentation on a rich colour palette. The fourth collection, the Black and White Collection, added a monochromatic visual change. These collections, according to the designers, would be available at their outlets within the next month.
Instep caught up with Nickie to talk about the fashion show, the Swiss experience and what the designer duo are upto next.
Instep: Tell us about the show in
Nickie: All the collections were based on the different eras of the world and the look we put forward this time was different. The whole idea was to stick to our own heritage and bring about fusion of the west and the east in the usual Nickie and Nina way. The collections all consisted of similar elements despite being different. And as for the show, we were really excited and so was the audience.
Instep: The fashion show focused on traditional clothing- do you think the audience had an understanding of that?
Nickie: When we showcased in
Instep: How different are the collections you design for the local versus the international market?
Nickie: Nickie and Nina always put forward what they are known for and that's what we will always continue. For the
Instep: Do you feel catering to the international clientele has changed the way you have been operating in the local markets?
Nickie: No it hasn't. It's quite similar, in fact. People who go for designer outfits expect good service, no matter where in the world. For any designer outfit, be it a local or an international designer, the market is the same worldwide. And since Nickie and Nina stick to their own style, we make sure we don't change the way we operate, no matter who we are catering to.
Instep: From the experience of dealing with foreign clients, how do international trends influence the Nickie and Nina designs?
Nickie: Trends for Nickie and Nina would change in terms of cuts and silhouette, but we don't make too many changes no matter where we are presenting. However, one has to keep the market in mind. For
Instep: Nickie and Nina have been a success locally. Do you feel you can reach the same demographic abroad?
Nickie: Yes, we can. Foreigners love wearing our tunics and dresses. We have a considerable market in
Instep: Since Pakistani fashion is booming, where do you see the industry going? And where do you see yourself taking local fashion?
Nickie: Pakistani fashion wasn't doing so well in the past, but it has recovered. What people have to understand is that fashion is a multi billion industry and it shouldn't be taken as a form of entertainment or nothing more than glamour, though unfortunately that's what it has always come down to. Fashion taken seriously in
Pakistan and Indian Fashion is the best in the world, the asian designers are doing such a great job all over the world. Even americans and english buy the best ethnic wear by Pakistan and Indian designers.